Mayhem: Dawn Of The Blackhearts
Tracks 1 through 8: Live in Sarpsborg 1990
Tracks 1-8 Lineup:
Euronymous - guitar
Necrobutcher - bass
Hellhammer - drums
Dead - vocals
Tracks 9 through 12: Live in Lillehammer 1986
Tracks 9-12 Lineup:
Euronymous - guitar
Maniac - vocals
Necrobutcher - bass
Manheim - drums
1. Deathcrush
2. Necrolust
3. Funeral Fog
4. Freezing Moon
5. Carnage
6. Buried by Time and Dust
7. Chainsaw Gutsfuck
8. Pure Fucking Armaggedon
9. Danse Macabre (Celtic Frost cover)
10. Black Metal (Venom cover)
11. Procreation of the Wicked (Celtic Frost cover)
12. Welcome to Hell (Venom cover)
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